Friday, September 30, 2016


For anyone with a Netflix account that is reading this....STOP! Go watch the show Shameless right now. It really is an amazing show. To be completely honest it is really messed up but it's kind of cool in the fact that you get to realize what some people deal with at home and how they've been raised. I think it really relates to us being at college because we're surrounded by people from so many different backgrounds now. Watching it has made me realize how easy I had it growing up personally. I know you're probably all busy doing homework right now, but if you get some free time its a good thing to binge watch and a good way to avoid your responsibilities.


  1. I totally agree with this post, I just finished shameless and its honestly one of the best shows I have ever can relate to so many peoples lives and its good to see other people perspective on things and how they manage to live on such little.

  2. I will have to try to watch it. My roommate and I have a small list of shows we watch together. Our favorite shows are Once upon a time, Timeless, Conviction, Lost and No Tomorrow. I enjoy television series with a lot of suspense. I hope Shameless has this.

  3. I will have to try to watch it. My roommate and I have a small list of shows we watch together. Our favorite shows are Once upon a time, Timeless, Conviction, Lost and No Tomorrow. I enjoy television series with a lot of suspense. I hope Shameless has this.
