Tuesday, September 20, 2016

My Crappy Day

So I know all of us have had those awful day from hell that never seem to end. I experienced one of those days yesterday. My first Business Enterprise paper was due this morning and I tried to not procrastinate. I did the majority of it Sunday and Monday morning however, in my class Monday night I accidentally saved my health notes as my paper-overriding ALL OF THE WORK I DID! I nearly screamed in the middle of class. And once I got out of class my day got even worse. I walked out to my car on East campus to see I had a parking ticket. So far college is kicking my butt and its only the third week. Luckily, I've made some pretty good friends so they helped me get my paper done in time though. You've got to have people like that in your corner, otherwise days like yesterday can be so much worse.

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