Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Going Home

 To all the new freshman, I think most of us can agree that we've had some home sickness over the past three weeks-four for me. I miss my parents, brothers, and dogs so much its starting to hurt. However, I've tried to limit  too much contact with them because I want to grow and assimilate here by myself. But that's not to say you ignore them, after all it is your family. With that being said though, DO NOT GO HOME EVERY WEEKEND! You will miss out on so much fun the university has to offer. Even if you're not a big partier, its free time to get out and experience new things and meet new people. College is more than school, its an experience. We all came here because we didn't want to go to a community college for our first two years, so don't waste your opportunities to grow.


  1. I have been one of those people that are experiencing home sickness in many ways, nothing feels better than having a home cooked meal, seeing your pets, or all of your loved ones. There isn't a better feeling than knowing that someone back home wants you to come back and misses you weather its a pet, an old friend or a family member or just your bed that always seems to give you the best night sleep

  2. I totally agree. I didn't bring my car so my parents are so sick of coming to get me. But when I go home I love having that home cooked meal... I've never ate so many noodles in my life! lol.
