Thursday, December 8, 2016

Jerks in the Winter

Alright, so we're all about 18 years old, and you think we'd know how to drive by now right? Hell no. With the first snowfall of the season its as if people have forgotten that ice...wait for slippery! I know, its a very hard concept to grasp completely. I was returning home from the rec when some jerk coming out of Western Heights couldn't break fast enough going down the ramp. Luckily I realized and did not start my turn. The point of this point is don't be that jerk. Look at your surroundings and realize that 25 mph is no longer appropriate around campus unless the roads are cleared. And for those commuting, 60-70 mph is not okay on the freeway either during a snowstorm. My roommate just hit the sidewall because her friend thought that he was smarter that jack frost. Newsflash: that's how people get hurt!

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