Thursday, December 8, 2016

Real Friends

There are people that will come and go in your life and that is perfectly normal. In college you'll really realize who wants you in their life and who doesn't. Yes you may lose some friends that you've known your whole life, but you also might meet some that will be with you for the rest of your future.  Real friends will call, text, or find some way to stay in your life, even being hours apart. Real friends say they miss you and can't wait to see you again. If you're struggling to maintain an old friendship, maybe its time to just let go.

My Future Dog

Ever since I got my giant yellow lab Link I have been in love with big dogs. Cuddling something fuzzy that is  the same size as you is incomparable. I happened to find the kind of dog I want when I'm older. It is called a Russian Caucasian Mountain Dog. They can get up to about 150-200 lbs. They somewhat resemble a bear and I think they are the cutest, most cuddly things ever. If I had one I would probably name it Koda after the bear in "Brother Bear" (one of my favorite childhood movies). Here are a few pics of the adorable beasts.

Image result for russian caucasian mountain dog  Image result for russian caucasian mountain dog
Image result for russian caucasian mountain dog

Oddly Satisfying

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Have you ever just had a spoonful of Nutella, or felt a really soft blanket, or drank cold water after chewing minty gum and realized how great life is? I feel like everybody has those weird quarks that bring them a strange amount of satisfaction. For me, I think my favorite thing is those new paint mixing videos on twitter. I waste way more time watching them than I probably should, but oh well! I think it's necessary for everyone to have one of those oddly satisfying things in their life. Comment some of yours!

The Election

I can't say I am a Trump supporter whatsoever, but I also can't say I would vote for Hillary Clinton. I think that the next four years are going to be pretty scary for our country to say the least. Again, I'm not hating on Trump, but its scary that our House, Senate, and Executive Branch is majority Republican. Not to say that Democrats or Republicans are bad/good, but having a government represents one view of the country is not a good thing. Our country is diverse and we need a government that is as well. Guess we'll have to wait for the next election.

Missing Mexico

For my senior spring break trip in high school, a group of friends and I went to Riviera Maya, Mexico. We stayed at an all-inclusive resort for a full week. You could probably guess what most of our time was spent doing, but we did some other things as well. My favorite part of the trip was when we went on a giant catamaran for the day. We jammed to music and once we reached our destination we went snorkeling. I almost got to touch a rare white sea turtle! I actually pet three giant stingrays as well! After that we went to a lagoon for the rest of the day and partied on the boat. It was probably one of the most fun days I've ever had. I wish I could go back.

The Weeknd

ITS OFFICIAL! I AM GOING TO SEE THE WEEKND FOR THE SECOND YEAR IN A ROW! He is beyond amazing live. His shows are always incredible and over the top. Last year Travis Scott opened up with "Antidote" and it was a great start to the night. Once the Weeknd came on, flames took over the stage and the party began. My friends and I had a great time, especially with the funny guys in front of us. I heard the Starboy album, and I'm even more excited for this one in May now!

Missing My Best Friend

About two weeks ago my best friend Christian left for boot camp for the Navy. We are the kind of best friends where people never believe we are JUST FRIENDS. We talk all day and snap chat each other constantly. If he sees a cute girl at the gym, he calls me for advice. If I need to rant about my family or a dumb boy, he's my first thought. Or if I see a cute cat...I have to let him know. Ever since he left I've been realizing how big of a part in my life he has really become. I can't wait till he gets home in a few months! We literally never stop laughing and I really miss that in my life right now.