Friday, October 21, 2016

The Birth of a Nation

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go see this movie. For any of you that studied a lot of US History, it is a story of Nat Turner's life in slavery. It was so eye opening into the actual hardships blacks suffered. It was a really long film, but completely worth every minute. It does make you cringe at some parts, but if you knew anything about the Turner Rebellion you would have already expected it. If you're a history buff like me this could possibly be one of the best, and most historically accurate films you'll see.


  1. I love movies like that, they always open my eyes about the hardships that many people go through. I am a person that doesnt like to sit through long movies but I feel like that one specifically would be worth it. History has always been one of my favorite things to learn about and watching it in movies makes it that much more exciting, I'll have to check that movie out!

  2. I think this would be a really cool movie to see. I have always been interested in history movies. Being aware of US history is very important because we are US citizens. We need to learn about the past to be able to live in the present.

  3. Sounds like a good movie to me. I like movies that are involved with history because it makes it so much more real because it actually happened. It is cool to see how stuff goes down in the past and witness it through the camera because we didn't get to witness it when it actually happened.
