Friday, October 21, 2016

The Birth of a Nation

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go see this movie. For any of you that studied a lot of US History, it is a story of Nat Turner's life in slavery. It was so eye opening into the actual hardships blacks suffered. It was a really long film, but completely worth every minute. It does make you cringe at some parts, but if you knew anything about the Turner Rebellion you would have already expected it. If you're a history buff like me this could possibly be one of the best, and most historically accurate films you'll see.

Monday, October 17, 2016

New Experiences

It may be cliché to say, but college has already started to open my eyes to new experiences. In high school everything seems like the end of the world. You failed a test (you're parents will kill you!), your boyfriend of a month broke up with you (you'll never find love again!), you had the same dress as the girl you hate at prom (your life is a mockery!). Everything is different here though. You here over and over how everyone is going through the same thing in college, but in a great way we're not! I think the fact that we're all so different is really comforting actually. Hearing about others life experiences, or just meeting new people can really make you take a step back and put your life into perspective. Maybe it doesn't matter that you totally rocked that prom dress better than Jessica. Maybe it doesn't matter that your GPA went down .002 points because of that big test. Maybe it doesn't matter that idiot of a boy didn't want you anymore. These things don't matter as much in college because you hear about other's experiences and you realize how much bigger your life can become.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Daily Grind

I don't know if anyone else is feeling like they're sinking, but I know I do. Since the week of fall welcome I have not had one single day where I could just relax. I haven't even had a day that I could just go to classes and enjoy my day. Nope. Its like I'm chasing something I can't get to right now. I'm in the honors college and trying to keep up with so many little assignments is driving me a little crazy. Its not that its hard material, there's just so much to remember. I'm hoping this will eventually calm down, cause I'm starting to get really stressed out. Let me know if you guys feel the same :)