Tuesday, October 11, 2016

The Daily Grind

I don't know if anyone else is feeling like they're sinking, but I know I do. Since the week of fall welcome I have not had one single day where I could just relax. I haven't even had a day that I could just go to classes and enjoy my day. Nope. Its like I'm chasing something I can't get to right now. I'm in the honors college and trying to keep up with so many little assignments is driving me a little crazy. Its not that its hard material, there's just so much to remember. I'm hoping this will eventually calm down, cause I'm starting to get really stressed out. Let me know if you guys feel the same :)


  1. I feel exactly the same way. Also I have been sick every week. I for some reason get healthy, but then the next day I catch something else. I can not catch a break. It might have to do with the limited amount of sleep I get.

  2. I feel that I am a little overwhelmed as well. Mostly with busy work. I do take time to do fun things with my friends.You don't do well when you are really stressed. Take time for yourself. Music seems to calm me down when I am sinking.
