Thursday, September 8, 2016

A few days ago classes here at WMU started and while most everyone is excited about the new school year I have become enraged at one very particular thing-the price of all the freaking books we need-since apparently $25,000 a year wasn't enough. Don't get me wrong I love my new school but the fact that I just spent $470 out of pocket on textbooks, clickers, subscriptions, etc. really irritates me. I know its not just this school, its everywhere. And again, I'm not one of those college kids that thinks college and anything I want out of life should be provided by the government, but please tell me how 200 pieces of loose leaf paper with ink on them-not even binded together costs $155! I know I need a college education in todays society but I do believe students are completely taken advantage of when it comes to these things. I guess we can't do anything about it though except laugh at the pile of debt we'll all be in in a few years. College lol.


  1. I completely agree with you. I spent $500 on my college books for this semester and one of my books was $200. I even have this tiny course packet that isn't even hard covered and is $50! I knew that college books would cost some money but when I started college I was shocked by the prices. I'm on my second year of college and when I went to get my books I knew the price would give me a tiny heart attack!

  2. I completely agree with you. I spent $500 on my college books for this semester and one of my books was $200. I even have this tiny course packet that isn't even hard covered and is $50! I knew that college books would cost some money but when I started college I was shocked by the prices. I'm on my second year of college and when I went to get my books I knew the price would give me a tiny heart attack!

  3. I totally agree with you. The price of tuition makes me want to cringe, and on top of that the price of books makes it even worse. I didn't know it would cost around $500 to get two actual books and 4 access codes. I know a degree is super important to have so I guess I will just have to get over it. I will just continue to laugh along with you as I fall into that endless pit of debt.

  4. Haha that's so true I've legit spent like somewhere near 7-800 dollars just on books just this semester no joke. I just hope we actually get our moneys worth spending that much.
