Friday, September 30, 2016


For anyone with a Netflix account that is reading this....STOP! Go watch the show Shameless right now. It really is an amazing show. To be completely honest it is really messed up but it's kind of cool in the fact that you get to realize what some people deal with at home and how they've been raised. I think it really relates to us being at college because we're surrounded by people from so many different backgrounds now. Watching it has made me realize how easy I had it growing up personally. I know you're probably all busy doing homework right now, but if you get some free time its a good thing to binge watch and a good way to avoid your responsibilities.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Going Home

 To all the new freshman, I think most of us can agree that we've had some home sickness over the past three weeks-four for me. I miss my parents, brothers, and dogs so much its starting to hurt. However, I've tried to limit  too much contact with them because I want to grow and assimilate here by myself. But that's not to say you ignore them, after all it is your family. With that being said though, DO NOT GO HOME EVERY WEEKEND! You will miss out on so much fun the university has to offer. Even if you're not a big partier, its free time to get out and experience new things and meet new people. College is more than school, its an experience. We all came here because we didn't want to go to a community college for our first two years, so don't waste your opportunities to grow.

My Crappy Day

So I know all of us have had those awful day from hell that never seem to end. I experienced one of those days yesterday. My first Business Enterprise paper was due this morning and I tried to not procrastinate. I did the majority of it Sunday and Monday morning however, in my class Monday night I accidentally saved my health notes as my paper-overriding ALL OF THE WORK I DID! I nearly screamed in the middle of class. And once I got out of class my day got even worse. I walked out to my car on East campus to see I had a parking ticket. So far college is kicking my butt and its only the third week. Luckily, I've made some pretty good friends so they helped me get my paper done in time though. You've got to have people like that in your corner, otherwise days like yesterday can be so much worse.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

A few days ago classes here at WMU started and while most everyone is excited about the new school year I have become enraged at one very particular thing-the price of all the freaking books we need-since apparently $25,000 a year wasn't enough. Don't get me wrong I love my new school but the fact that I just spent $470 out of pocket on textbooks, clickers, subscriptions, etc. really irritates me. I know its not just this school, its everywhere. And again, I'm not one of those college kids that thinks college and anything I want out of life should be provided by the government, but please tell me how 200 pieces of loose leaf paper with ink on them-not even binded together costs $155! I know I need a college education in todays society but I do believe students are completely taken advantage of when it comes to these things. I guess we can't do anything about it though except laugh at the pile of debt we'll all be in in a few years. College lol.